For some time now, I have had what I would call a regular and satisfying morning ritual, which I wrote about for
But when I heard author, mindfulness teacher and therapist Tara Brach describe her morning/daily ritual, I realized that I have been missing two key elements: setting an intention and bookending.
After Brach has meditated and exercised, she takes a moment to declare an intention for the day. Then, at the end of the day, she revisits her intention to see if she actually fulfilled it.
This morning I decided to give Brach’s practice a try. Following my usual meditation, I set the following intention: “May I be loving and open with everyone I encounter today.”
And then I went about my day. I stopped in to the post office to mail a copy of my book out and, in the course of chatting with the postal worker, said something jokey and somewhat disparaging about someone (who shall remain nameless). In the instant that I said it, I realized that I was not living my intention.
Here’s the thing. Not only would I not have caught my misstep if I hadn’t intentionally declared that I wanted to be loving to all today BUT if I also wasn’t looking forward to revisiting the intention to see if I had lived it (i.e. bookending), I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have been as aware of my behavior.
It’s a simple, effective shift – and a new addition to my days.
Tomorrow’s intention? To be kind (including to myself if/when I slip up).